We are delighted to release the 11th edition of our Absence Management and Wellbeing Survey results for Australian organisations.
The analysis is based on the results provided by 104 organisations across Australia, who collectively employ over 255,000 employees. Respondents were requested to provide data based on all unplanned absenteeism, including personal leave, workers compensation leave and unauthorised leave, paid and unpaid.
The 2019 survey has found that absenteeism increased by 1.5 days to 11.2 days per employee per annum compared to 2017 and is estimated to cost the Australian economy over $35 billion in wages and lost productivity.
85% of respondents to the survey indicated they were focused on managing absenteeism in their organisation, an increase of 12% from our 2017 survey.
This report endeavours to inform industry about absence levels across Australia, and what measures are being introduced.
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