Over the past decade, there’s been a huge paradigm shift in the use of technology to support employee relations. Some organisations are taking advantage of technology specifically built for these purposes, however most still rely on legacy service delivery systems that have been half-heartedly adapted to manage these sensitive and confidential matters.
This is a regulatory and privacy minefield, and does not encourage close employee relationships, where trust and confidence is vital. And this was even before COVID-19. As a result of the recent pandemic, managing employee issues is even more challenging as businesses used to managing staff face-to-face have had to pivot quickly to managing a scattered, anxious, and remote workforce.
Good employee relations and case management technology, when implemented correctly, can save thousands of dollars in the long run.
How? The technology can be used to track and investigate employee issues, identifying them before they become endemic across a business, and quickly fixing them before they become a big deal.
Technology can also develop insights into reasons behind issues of culture, policy, leadership, and efficiency and can provide automated best practice, to help stop the piecemeal approach to employee management. All of this secures employee loyalty by demonstrating how much a workforce is valued.
Managing workplace safety and legal risk is also a vital function of HR. It's especially critical to document and track issues consistently across an organisation, from accommodations to allegations of discrimination. Proper documentation is always essential, and it's doubly so during a crisis when there's no rule book. A complete documentation trail now ensures fair employee treatment today, and trend analysis later.
We are offering businesses ERTrack free for three months. ERTrack is proprietary software designed to track, investigate and analyse employee issues and provide HR with a complete workforce visual, and privacy.
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