Is your home-grown HR case management system effective?

Many organisations have ‘home grown’ HR case management approaches including google docs, spreadsheets, IT servers, and manual files. And while it may seem more cost effective to manage ER issues on an ad-hoc basis in-house, it only takes one serious HR issue to cost a company significant amounts of time and money.

The most commonly cited challenges with existing systems or generic technology for reporting employee relations analytics, is the significant amount of time ‘home grown’ solutions take to use. 

Quick fact:  Typically, home-grown systems are not used and result in small issues becoming big problems.

While collaboration software like Google Sheets, SharePoint, and shared drives can help facilitate sharing data, they pose compliance and/or ethical risks to the organisation when it comes to security, confidentiality, and the ability to maintain anonymity. 

Access is managed by the individual, and it's hard to block permissions by issue or location and it's easy for confidential information to be shared without the appropriate authorisation.

Software for managing investigations can be complicated and in-house IT teams generally underestimate the costs to get you to the finish line. 

Most common costs and risks associated with a ‘home-grown’ system

  • Conceptualising, designing, and building a system from the ground up requires a massive outlay in time and money
  • Significant cost and maintenance of in-house servers
  • Privacy compliance and updates takes continual time and effort
  • Continuity and maintenance is an ongoing issue, this is affected by staff attrition
  • Home grown systems cannot be scaled easily and require constant upgrading and updating
  • Lack of collaboration
  • Multiple versions and out of sync documents
  • Mistakes and gaps
  • Laborious to use
  • Subject to human error
  • Not available remotely
  • Lack of security
  • No reporting or data

Built-for-purpose case management software provides a reliable, tested platform which is future-fit, scalable and secure

Unlike home grown systems, a built for purpose case management software solution saves both time and money by automating workflows and providing templates and next best actions, while reducing risk because everything is tracked and stored within compliance guidelines.

HR case management software offers exceptional return on investment in the following ways:

  • Reduced staff costs: Less money spent on IT staffing and administrative personnel.
  • Scalability: Makes it less expensive to upsize or downsize.
  • Productivity gains: Fewer people doing more in less time.
  • Asset reallocation: Extra staff can be reassigned to other areas where they’re needed.
  • Strong case position: Proof of a timely, fair and complete investigation means lower fines and a strong defence.
  • Reduced litigation costs: Consistent tracking and recording of cases lowers, and sometimes eliminates, litigation costs.
  • Fewer incidents: Immediate access to reports helps analyse risk and take preventative action.

The cost of ownership for HR case management software is also much lower than the costs of building and operating a home-grown system:

  • Time spent researching companies, vetting proposals, and attending demonstrations is saved.
  • A one-time setup fee rather than ongoing staffing and maintenance.
  • Auto privacy updates ensure compliance without staff upkeep.
  • On-site or remote training available anytime.
  • Annual licensing fees, which include 24/7 support, so that your IT department doesn’t need to be involved.

To find out more, check out our free HR Case Management Software Playbook.