Not For Profit
On-Line Medical Assessment
A not for profit organisation with more than 60,000 members and volunteers in Australia who work hard to assist people in need and endeavour to address social injustice. The organisation has diverse operations including personal care and retail, and a pressing need to resolve challenges concerning their occupational medical assessments.
These included:
- Current service provider managed the process via paper which created delays and inefficiencies
- Quality and consistency concerns when using multiple providers against the same assessment
- Delays in process due to having to obtain further information directly from providers prior to finalising assessments
- Overly burdensome administration
The Solution
We were engaged early in 2018 to design a bespoke on-line medical assessment solution to address the above challenges. The solution incorporated the following core elements:
- Tailored online medical assessments by role
- Established real-time portal (MedTrack) to monitor progress from referral to results of assessments
- Online health questionnaire prior to medical assessments taking place to:
- Identify any health risks aligned to the inherent requirements of the role early in the recruitment process
- Eliminate the need for unnecessary clinical assessments
- Prepare the candidate with instructions, including obtaining required medical information prior to the assessment
- Send the candidate’s health information to the practitioner prior to the appointment
- Establishment of a preferred medical provider network onboarded to the organisation’s requirements
- Implementation of a quality assurance program which includes Medical Assessment Team reviews of all records prior to submission to the referrer
The solution delivered significant benefits to the organisation. These were:
- Ability to decentralise the recruitment processes to local regions and continue to have a clear visual over the end to end process
- Significant reduction in administration
- Final statement of results returned within 5 business days of referral
- Improved candidate experience concerning a smooth and effortless process with no delays
- Reduction in number of clinical assessments required (and therefore a cost saving)
- A reduction in preventable injuries of employees participating in this program (however further development time is required to quantify this initial outcome)